
Hosting is one of the services that is still quite foreign for some users, especially those who have just used websites for business and personal use. Therefore, customer service is one of the things that users need. Realizing the importance of this, Dewaweb relies on support from a team that is ready 24 hours per day, called the 'Ninja Support'.

Website can increase business credibility and personal branding. Not surprisingly, now many MSME and individual business owners are also using the website as one of their digital assets, either to sell or increase personal branding.

However, this advantage also brings the responsibility that website owners must be ready to face. Obstacles such as technical management to security risks always arise and sometimes cannot be handled with limited capabilities. If this happens in the long term, obstacles like this can have a negative impact on businesses and individuals.

Understanding this anxiety, Dewaweb, as a hosting service provider, feels the need to take steps to facilitate the management process of users' websites, especially those who do not have deep technical capabilities.

"If you experience downtime, the website can even reduce business credibility and individuals. Therefore, Dewaweb presents Ninja Support 24/7, yes, to ensure that our customers always get the best support, whenever they need it. We also train to get a cyber security certificate, so that we can provide the best solution for customer problems," said Edy Budiman, CEO, CISSP, CCSP Dewaweb, quoted Friday, December 6.

Along with the current slogan that wants to be the #SahabatOnline of website owners in Indonesia, Dewaweb also offers hosting with premium specifications for the best performance, such as the latest processor technology (AMD EPYCTM Genoa), a security system with SSL that can be obtained free of charge, as well as add on premium which is also free from hosting purchases.

As one of the pioneers in the web hosting industry in Indonesia, Dewaweb continues to be committed to providing innovative and trusted services. Ninja Support 24/7 is a tangible manifestation of Dewaweb's mission to support customers' success in this fast-paced digital era.

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