
JAKARTA - The government previously relaxed export and import permits due to the scarcity of raw materials caused by the Corona virus or COVID-19 outbreak. Even though several industries in Indonesia are very dependent on raw materials from abroad.

However, this momentum was actually used by certain parties to reap profits by committing the crime of smuggling. The Directorate General of Customs and Excise reveals a syndicate that smuggles clothes, tires and carpets.

In this case, six container trucks and their driver were secured. The plan is that they will bring 874 clothing balls, 118 sets of tires and 57 rollers of carpet to the Bandung, West Java area.

Director General of Customs and Excise Heru Pambudi said the mode used in this case was unique. They put a price tag on every garment, so that it looked as if it was brand new. In fact, the smuggled goods are most likely reconditioned or used goods.

"They were deceived by putting this price tag on the US dollar price and the people were deceived in this way, as if they had just left the factory. Then they ironed it again and they gave a different price," Heru said in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 11. .

Based on the results of the inspection by the truck drivers, they delivered the illegal goods at the request of one party. It's just that, it hasn't been revealed who is the mastermind in this case.

Smuggled clothes. (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

In addition, the prosecution of this syndicate is not only without having a valid permit or document. This illegal act also disrupts business competition in Indonesia, especially during the current COVID-19 outbreak.

"Of course it will certainly disrupt the national economy, especially disrupting similar industries," said Heru.

Meanwhile, with regard to the chronology of disclosures, it all started when there was intelligence information related to smuggling by land routes. So, an investigation was carried out and received information that the crime involved six container trucks.

Until finally, Friday, March 6, all the vehicles carrying illegal goods were found and stopped when they were crossing the 45 kilometer Jakata-Cikampek toll road. "From the inspection it was also known that the trucks that were secured were from North Sumatra," said Heru.

However, so far it has not been confirmed the origin of these illegal items. However, if you look at the types of goods, especially clothes, most likely come from countries that have four climates.

However, based on the amount and estimated price, the total state losses resulting from this smuggling reached billions of rupiah. "In total, the illegal clothing costs Rp. 2.6 billion. For smuggled truck tires, it is estimated at Rp. 236 million and carpets worth Rp. 68 million," Heru said.

Supervision When a Corona Outbreak

With this case in the midst of the Corona outbreak, surveillance in border areas or entrances will be increased. Moreover, mouse routes or small ports that are often used as access for smuggling are continuously monitored.

However, with regard to export and import, all decisions are in the hands of the government. Thus, Customs only does everything that has been decided.

Director General of Customs and Excise Heru Pambudi. (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

"Of course we are implementing the government's decision. If the government says stop flights from China, of course we will. If then we have to be aware of the countries that are on the Corona list, of course we will synergize with Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ)," said Heru.

Meanwhile, for the impact on the economic sector, not much can be said. This is because no concrete steps have been decided yet. It's just that, there are several options that can be done to prevent a decline in Indonesia's economy due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

"We encourage exports so that there are no obstacles. The way we may see later is that there is special treatment for importers with good reputation so that they are not equated with importers with bad reputation," concluded Heru.

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