
JAKARTA - After the discovery of two people who contracted COVID-19 for the first time as a result of contact from Japanese citizens during an activity, the government will ask for a corona virus-free certificate for foreign nationals who wish to enter Indonesia with the aim of suppressing the spread of the virus.

However, making this mandatory for those who will enter Indonesia does not appear to be very effective. Given that it could be while on the way and arriving at their destination, the traveler only shows symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, sore throat, and lethargy.

Initially, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin gave the statement about this certificate. However, he said there would be certification instead of asking for certificates for those who would enter Indonesia. The reason is that there are steps to monitor the spread of the virus.

"Maybe we will even apply corona-free certification, and we will also examine the traces of the journey wherever he is and from anywhere," said Ma'ruf to reporters, Wednesday, March 4 at the Vice President's Office, Jakarta.

Clarifying Ma'ruf's intentions, Chief of Presidential Staff (KSP) Moeldoko said this certificate would not be issued by the government but by countries that were the epicenters for the spread of the virus, such as South Korea, Japan, Iran and Italy.

It's just that when asked further about the certificate, this former TNI commander refused to answer further. Because he did not know the details of the certificate.

"I don't really understand. But there is a statement from the health authorities that the person concerned is not in a state of illness, for a period of several days," said Moeldoko at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 4, adding that apart from the COVID-19 free certificate, the government will check the travel history of those who will enter Indonesia.

The effectiveness of COVID-19 free mail

Even though the government seems so confident with the health certificate, the spread of the COVID-19 virus can be reduced, but according to a researcher in the field of microbiology from the Center for Biological Research (LIPI), Sugiyono Saputra, this certificate will not be very useful in suppressing the circulation of COVID-19. Because the virus incubation period is now longer than the initial estimate, or about 20 days.

"There must be a time span when checking for COVID-19 with the travel schedule. Even if the results are negative, it could be that within that time, the person has just been infected and this is not anticipated." Sugiyono said to VOI via text message, Thursday, March 5.

Indeed, testing can be done a day or two before departure. However, if the disease is asymptomatic or an illness that the patient is not aware of, the initial results may be inaccurate.

"Because the test results will give a large false negative," he said.

So, instead of taking the risk of still accepting visits from foreign nationals or Indonesians who have just come from abroad, the government should temporarily close access to those who are just traveling.

"By temporarily banning immigrants or foreigners, I think it will be more effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia," he said, adding that several countries such as Singapore, Australia and America have done this as a measure to prevent the spread of the virus.

What Sugiyono said was actually done by the government. This is because Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has stated that Indonesia is closed to foreign nationals, both travelers and transiting from Iran, Italy and South Korea.

He specifically mentioned that the prohibited areas include the City of Qom, Tehran, and Gilan Province in Iran; the Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Piedmont regions in Italy; and the Daegu region and Gyeongsang Province. Meanwhile, for other areas, they are still allowed to enter as long as they have a health certificate issued by the local health authority.

"Without a health certificate from the competent authority, the migrants and travelers will be refused entry or transit in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, Indonesian citizens are still allowed to enter as long as they have carried out additional checks at the airport. He said this policy took effect from Sunday 8 March at 00.00 WIB and was temporary and could be adjusted according to developments in the field.

It is known, the three countries whose residents are prohibited from entering or transiting have indeed become the red zones for the spread of COVID-19 in the world. Italy, for example, is currently the largest country with the number of cases reaching 3,853 people and 148 people dying. As for those who recovered, the number reached 414 people.

Furthermore, Iran became the country with the largest corona victim in the Middle East. To date, the cases of the COVID-19 virus in Iran have reached 3,513, with 107 people dying and 739 people recovering.

Finally, South Korea, in Asia, this country is the country that has the most cases of COVID-19 after China. In this country of ginseng, there were 6,088 cases of infection and 35 people who died. While those who were healed up to now 41 people.

Ma'ruf's words made him panic

Regarding Ma'ruf's statement which said there would be a COVID-19 free certification, the Associate Expert KSP Erlinda again clarified if the certification was issued by the country of origin of the non-Indonesian traveler who issued it.

He also said that after Ma'ruf stated the matter of certification, the hotline for information related to COVID-19 was contacted and the public continued to contact them asking them to have a corona free letter.

"Well, this is what we have to straighten out. Yes, this is what we have to straighten out that the state does not issue it," Erlinda said over the phone at an event in Jakarta, Thursday, March 5.

So if the public insists on asking for a certificate or letter from the Indonesian health authorities, it is certainly not appropriate. Given that those who issued COVID-19 free letters were issued by countries with cases of transmission of the virus.

Previously reported, two Indonesian citizens were declared infected with the COVID-19 virus after making contact with a Japanese national. This finding is the first case in Indonesian territory, where the government has so far admitted that there has been no spread of the virus.

These two people have a family relationship as mother and child. After being tested positive for COVID-19, both of them are now being treated at RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta to be isolated according to existing regulations.

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