
JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has openly made the refusal to move the state capital to IKN Nusantara, East Kalimantan as a campaign for the 2024 General Election.

In the Kick off National Campaign, PKS launched the Idea Campaign Program entitled Jakarta is still the National Capital.

PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu said PKS from the start rejected the relocation of the State Capital. The refusal attitude, said Syaikhu, was based on hearing the aspirations of academics and the majority of public votes.

"One of the PKS' track records in Parliament is the most crucial for the nation's future, and will be one of the main ideas that PKS will fight for in the 2024 election is the issue of the transfer of the State Capital (IKN). The government proposed the IKN Bill, moving the State Capital from DKI Jakarta to East Kalimantan," said Syaikhu, Sunday, November 26.

"What is the attitude of PKS? After listening to the aspirations of community leaders, experts, academics, environmental activists, and the majority of public votes, PKS took a stand to reject the ratification of the IKN Bill. PKS views that Jakarta remains Eligible as the State Capital," he continued.

In addition to the aspirations of academics and public voices, PKS views three reasons that make Jakarta the State Capital, namely from a historical, development and sustainability point of view.

"DKI Jakarta is the place where Ir. Soekarno-Moh. Hatta calls for the proclamation of independence and other historical events of this nation to be born. Of course, this historical aspect must be an important consideration of how the State Capital is placed," said Syaikhu.

He explained that the National Capital City inherited historical values of the nation that could not be ignored in order to build a nationalism spirit.

From the point of view of development, PKS assesses that the equitable development is not by moving the capital city to play by building an economic center in a small town.

"The equitable development is not carried out by moving the capital city, but by building new centers of economic growth based on the advantages of the competitiveness of each region. Making medium cities into big cities, and small cities into medium cities. Building developed villages as a support for the progress of urban development," said Syaikhu.

Finally, Syaikhu conveyed from a sustainability point of view, PKS views the need for environmental conservation and ecological care for the next generation of the nation. In this case, the island of Kalimantan as the lungs of the world as the center of green economic growth.

"The island of Kalimantan is the lungs of Indonesia, even Kalimantan is the lungs of the world. Therefore, we must place the island of Kalimantan as the Center for Green Economic Growth, namely the economy that is able to create economic growth, employment, and people's welfare through development that promote biodiversity and environmental sustainability," he said.

"Green economy, green jobs, are the future of Indonesia, and Kalimantan will become the main motor and center of Indonesia's green economy growth," said Syaikhu.

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