
JKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs through the Directorate General of Village Administration Development (Pemdes) gave awards to provinces and regencies/cities that succeeded in carrying out village development in an event entitled Pekan Inovasi Desa and Kelurahan (Pindeskel) 2023.

Representing Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Inspector General (Irjen) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Tomsi Tohir Balaw said Pindeskel was a place to publish various successes and innovations carried out by local, village, and sub-district governments, related to the administration of government, regional and community affairs.

"This activity is also a place for consolidation and sharing (sharing) information for strengthening village and kelurahan governance and innovation in their respective regions," said Tomsi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 10.

Pindeskel 2023 will be held for three days from November 10-12 2023, at Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta.

Also attending this event were the Daily Executive (Plh) of the Director General of Development of the La Ode Village Government, Ahmad P. Bolombo, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Bina Pemdes Paudah, and the directors in the Bina Pemdes environment.

In addition to showing off the results of village and sub-district innovations, the Ministry of Home Affairs also gave awards to provinces and districts/cities at the event.

The participants are expected to continue to provide guidance to villages and sub-districts so that they can fulfill their obligations in carrying out their duties and functions, as well as encouraging progress in their area.

The recipients of the award for the implementation of village and sub-district development evaluation in 2023 are the highest filling coverage category at the provincial level, namely DKI Jakarta (100 percent), Banten (99.81 percent), DI Yogyakarta (94.29 percent), Bali (94.27 percent), West Sumatra (93.36 percent).

The percentage of the fastest-growing category is divided into two, namely the provincial and district levels. At the provincial level, awards were given to Bali (87.43 percent), DKI Jakarta (84.27 percent), DI Yogyakarta (82.65 percent), West Sumatra (60.95 percent), and East Java (60.24 percent).

Then, district/city awards that have villages and sub-districts are given to Tabanan Regency (100 percent), Denpasar City (100 percent), Mojokerto Regency (98.36 percent), Subang Regency (94.47 percent), and Gresik Regency (93.82 percent).

Meanwhile, recipients of awards for the implementation of village and sub-district profile data coaching in 2023 are given to provinces with the highest percentage of updating (news). The provinces are DKI Jakarta (95.88 percent), Bali (89.53 percent), West Java

(85.11 percent), Banten (79.83 percent), and West Kalimantan (78.37 percent).

The districts/cities that have villages with the highest percentage of self-sufficiency classification are

Kudus Regency (75.00 percent), Pasaman Regency (56.76 percent), Tabanan Regency (48.12 percent), Banjar City (36.00 percent), and Limapuluh Kota Regency (34.18 percent).

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