
TANJUNG SELOR - Bulungan District Attorney (Kejari), North Kalimantan (Kaltara) received the case files of four suspects in the theft of evidence of fuel oil (BBM) types Bio Solar and Pertalite.

Head of the General Crime Section (Kasi Pidum) of the Bulungan District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Muhammad Rifaizal, revealed that the four suspects who were previously on the wanted list (DPO) of the Kaltara Police included Suryardi, Jamal, Tuang Appo and Sultan.

"The case file with the suspects was received by the Bulungan Kejari in October 2023, previously the case file had been examined or examined by the East Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kejaksaan Tinggi)," said Rifaizal, Thursday, November 9.

The case file, continued Rifaizal, was declared complete (P21) on September 27 and stage 2 on October 2, 2023.

The four suspects have also been detained by the prosecutor's office and serve a period of detention at the Class IIB Nunukan prison.

"The location or the scene of the case was at the Kayan I port of Tanjung Selor, so the East Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office ordered the Bulungan Kejari to handle the prosecution of the case," said Kasi Pidum.

From the results of the examination, the three suspects, namely Suryardi, Tuang Appo and Sultan admitted to stealing fuel. Meanwhile Jamal is a collector.

"Three thieves together committed theft on the SPOB Walesta Brother Landing Craft Tank (LCT) ship belonging to PT Karina Lingkar Utama. In fact, the three are crew members ( crew members)," he explained.

From the results of the examination, the evidence was stolen at the Kayan I port since July, August and November 2022.

"And that many times, the three perpetrators (ABK) admitted that the total stolen fuel was 6,200 liters (6.2 tons) pertalite and Bio solar 2,400 liters (2.4 tons) which was carried out in Julyi -August 2022. There were 11 collections or thefts and sold in several places, all three were charged with Article 363 paragraphs 1 to 4 and 5 in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code," he said.

Meanwhile, Jamal as a collector admitted that he had bought the stolen fuel 5 times by paying Rp. 17 million.

"Jamal bought 2,800 liters (2.8 tons) pertalite from 5 transactions carried out. The alleged article is 480 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph 1 kuhp," continued Rifaizal.

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