TANGERANG - The City Government (Pemkot) of South Tangerang (Tangsel) formed a special team to monitor the state civil apparatus (ASN) to maintain neutrality during the 2024 General Election.
"Yes, I have ordered through the Regional Secretary to go down, namely the inspectorate and then also the BKP personnel HR including the sub-district and village heads to monitor in the field like what," said South Tangerang Mayor Benyamin Davnie to reporters, Tuesday, November 7.
Benjamin also said that he did not hesitate to take action against his subordinates, if proven to be inequality. Especially using the attributes of the South Tangerang City Government.
"I want to convey to all civil servants and PPPK, including Non-ASN, yes. For neutral as long as they use the attributes of the South Tangerang City Government, brown clothes and so on, they must be neutral in politics and I will be firm," he said.
He revealed that some time ago his party had issued non-ASN personnel who were proven to have followed the agenda of one of the parties. This is a firm step for the South Tangerang City Government.
"Some time ago I issued a non-ASN PKS that took part in party activities. We'll take it out," he said.
Therefore, Benjamin asked his citizens not to hesitate to document the activities of their subordinates, if they follow the party's agenda.
"If there is a report, especially with the photo. Anyone from the community, please report it to the HR BKP or the inspectorate like that, we will process it," he concluded.
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