
CILACAP A total of 10 women aged 25-40 years in Cilacap, Central Java, became victims of sexual abuse by S (42), a resident of Pekuncen Village, Kroya District, Cilacap Regency. The mode used by S is to be a shaman who can cure diseases.

Cilacap Deputy Chief of Police, AKBP Dr Arief Fajar Satria, said that initially the victim was promised by the suspect to cure the disease, but on condition that the victim must have sexual relations.

"Of the 10 female victims, the perpetrators invited them to have sex many times, some even had 23 times. Before having sex, the victim was also asked to have sex with the perpetrator's orders (assistent) and use tools. Furthermore, the action was recorded and sent to the perpetrator", said Arief.

In addition to securing the perpetrators, the police also secured evidence used for the practice of shamanism such as jugs of drinks, keris, various perfumes, sticks, sex vibrators and a number of other dukungan equipment.

The perpetrator has been carrying out the action since 2021, not only female victims, but also male victims who are currently still being developed.

The suspect was charged with Article 6 C of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence. The suspect is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 12 years and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 300 million.

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