
JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has detected 25 urban villages in Jakarta that have the potential to be flood-prone. The area is located in West Jakarta, South Jakarta, East Jakarta and North Jakarta.

Head of the Disaster Data and Information Processing Unit of the DKI Jakarta BPBD, Michael Sitanggang, explained that for the East Jakarta area, there are 8 locations that are prone to flooding.

"CLUDING the areas of Bidara Cina, Kampung Melayu, Cawang, Cililitan, Cipinang Melayu, Kebon Pala, Makassar and Rambutan," Michael told VOI, Wednesday, November 8.

Then followed by 5 points in West Jakarta which have the potential to be flood-prone, namely Rawa Buaya, Tegal Alur, South Kedoya, North Kedoya and Kembangan.

Meanwhile, in the South Jakarta area, there are 9 locations located in North Cipete, Petogogan, Cipulir, Pondok Pinang, Ulujami, Pondok Labu, Bangka, East Pejaten and Jati Padang.

Then in North Jakarta there are 3 points of flood-prone locations located in West Pademangan, Pluit and Rorotan.

Previously, it was reported that the Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati stated that some parts of Indonesia had entered the rainy season, including in Jakarta.

"Currently (in the Jakarta area is in) a transitional phase from the dry season to the rainy season," said Dwikorita Karnawati to VOI, Tuesday, November 7.

Dwikorita said the weather forecasts in the Jabodetabek area varied. The Central Jakarta area to the North occurred in the third (end of) basis in December - the first (early) basis in January 2024.

"The forecast for the start of the rainy season in the eastern part of DKI, including Bekasi and its surroundings, is estimated that the start of the rainy season will start from the third (final) basis period in November - the first (early) December," he said. (Rizky Sulistio)

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