
JAKARTA - After many people complained about it, the police finally conducted socialization and inspection of vehicle emission tests without a ticket. The checkpoints also remain the same as the raid points that were carried out on November 1, one of which was on Raden Inten Street, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

Drivers who do not pass the emission test will be given a sheet of emission test evidence which is brought under control by the Jakarta City Environment Sub-department Officer. One of the two-wheeled riders, Agus, participated in an emission test examination on his motorbike which had been used for more than 5 years. The motorbike was declared to have passed the emission test even though it had been used every day and traveled a long distance.

Agus also felt helped because this emission test pass letter could be used to extend vehicle taxes. Meanwhile, Risart Seristian, Head of the PLT PPKL Section of the East Jakarta Environmental Agency, explained that this free emission test will be carried out until November 24.

Risart also hopes that with this socialization, the public can increasingly care about vehicles and the environment, especially to help reduce air pollution. Watch the video below.

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