
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya involves micro expressions experts in handling cases of alleged extortion by the KPK leadership against the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL. The goal is to analyze behavior through several confiscated photos.

"The expert in question is asked for his statement regarding his expertise in analyzing behavior and analysis in accordance with his expertise from micro expressions related to evidence or photo documents that we have confiscated," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to reporters, Friday, November 3.

One of the photos that is suspected to be analyzed by micro-expression experts is a photo showing a meeting between Firli Bahuri and SYL at one of the Gor Badminton.

Ade, who was mentioned about it, agreed. It is said that the photo is the material that will be analyzed by experts.

"That's the material (photo of Firli Bahuri and SYL's meeting at Gor Badminton)," he said.

In addition, in handling the case, investigators will also examine four other experts. They are three criminal experts and one procedural law expert.

Then, there are 67 witnesses who have also been questioned so far. The number will continue to grow as the investigation process progresses.

"So 67 witnesses added 5 experts who have been examined and another additional procedural law expert we are currently involving investigators in initial coordination," said Ade.

Meanwhile, in the circulating photo, Firli and Syahrul meet at the badminton (gor) sports arena. It is not clear when the meeting will take place.

Firli, still in the same photo, is seen wearing a dark sports shirt with white accents and black shorts and sports shoes. Meanwhile, Syahrul was seen wearing a shirt and jeans.

They sat on the bench and seemed to be talking. Syahrul looked back at the camera.

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