
TANJUNG SELOR - Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) ensures that the construction of a Correctional Institution (Lapas) in the Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) will begin its construction in 2024.

"We have received information from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding the construction of prisons in Kaltara. Regarding the land has been prepared in Bumi Rahayu Village, Tanjung Selor District, Bulungan Regency," said Assistant for Government and Welfare of the Provincial Secretariat (Setprov) Kaltara, Datu Iqro Ramadhan, Thursday, November 2.

15 hectares of land is prepared for prisons.

"The desire to build a prison in Bulungan Regency has been around for a long time, especially since residents who have been sentenced in court must live in prisons in Nunukan and Tarakan," he said.

"So far, law enforcement officers have had difficulty bringing prisoners to Tarakan or Nunukan and it requires quite a lot of money," he added.

Previously, the Head of the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Sofyan said North Kalimantan was part of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of East Kalimantan. Therefore, the construction of prisons is still the responsibility of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of East Kalimantan.

The construction of prisons is a plan that has been discussed in recent years.

"There is something underlying the formation of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Kaltara. The Minister wants the formation of the Regional Office in Kaltara so that later, prisons in Kaltara specifically in Bulungan can be awakened," he said.

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