BANJARMASIN - Member of the Banjarmasin City DPRD, South Kalimantan, Bambang Yanto Purnomo said, there will be an increase in parking rates for motorized vehicles, both two- and four-wheeled in 2024.
This increase is in accordance with the legislative and executive agreement in the finalization of the discussion of the draft regional regulation (Raperda) regarding regional taxes and regional levies in Banjarmasin City.
"This parking tax and levy is included in adjustments to be increased," he said in Banjarmasin, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 1.
The parking fee has not been adjusted for a long time. For motorized vehicles, it will increase to Rp. 3,000 and four wheels, Rp. 5,000.
"The two-wheeled motor vehicle parking was increased to Rp. 3,000 and four-wheeled to Rp. 5,000," said Bambang.
The parking levy in Banjarmasin City is collected for local revenue. Even for the increase, it has been through a study, including improving services.
"We ask the Banjarmasin City Government later (if this regional regulation is ratified) to socialize it to the public more intensively," said Bambang.
In addition to parking rates, in the draft Raperda million, it is stated that the increase in land and building taxes (PBB) and levies on traditional markets. The proposal for an increase in taxes and levies is in an effort to boost the increase in Regional Original Revenue (PAD) by Rp850 billion.
This Raperda was made, explained Bambang, referring to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2022 concerning financial relations between the central government and regional governments.
"In 2024, no later than this regional regulation must be implemented," he said.
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