JAKARTA The third time holding a crime scene (TKP), the North Jakarta Metro Police involved a team of experts from the Forensic Psychology Association (Apsifor) of the University of Indonesia to reveal the cause of death of father and son in Koja.
Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Police, AKBP Iverson Manossoh, said the UI team of experts would cooperate with a joint team of forensic hispatologists, forensic toxicologists, identification team, and a joint team of Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Police and the Koja Sector Police.
"We include the UI Forensic Psychology Association (Apsifor) to examine and identify forensic psychology. We involve all of these experts in handling the crime scene (TKP) in an integrated manner so that we can maximize our collection of evidence," said Iver, Tuesday, October 31.
The cause of the death of a father and son whose body was found at his residence, Jalan Balai Rakyat V Tugu Selatan, Koja, North Jakarta, last Saturday tried to be revealed through various scientific methods by investigators. The reason is, the alleged cause of death is still unknown.
The TKP processing team is known to have come twice on Tuesday, first at 10.32 WIB and second on Tuesday evening at 17.00 WIB.
It is known that the victim Hamka Rusdi (50) is a father with two children, the owner of a business type of hajj/umrah departure. In addition, the ownership status of the house is also owned by itself and has one car and a motorcycle.
"In plain view, the houses are two blocks and two floors, there are stalls under rent, there are cars, there are motorbikes," said South Tugu Village Head Sukarmin to reporters in North Jakarta, Tuesday.
Toxicology is deemed necessary to identify elements of poisoning or the use of hard drugs that may be related to the death of the victim.
Forensic hypostatology can reveal the possibility of victims suffering from pre-death diseases. Meanwhile, forensic psychologists are needed in identifying the crime scene from a forensic psychological aspect.
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