BOYOLALI - Gibran Rakabuming Raka was escorted by supporters of "Bollone Mase" starting his first political safari in Boyolali Regency, Central Java, to be precise at the center of the copper industry, Tumang Village, Cepogo, Baoyolali. "On his visit to the production site of AA Kuningan in Cepogo District, Boyolali Regency, Saturday, Gibran had a dialogue with a number of local craftsmen and residents. On that occasion, Gibran emphasized that there must be intervention from the government to develop the businesses of MSME actors. "The market has started to have intervention from the government. This is already a cooperative, the cooperative must automatically be supported with tools that are up to date as well," he said. Even so, he said, the craftsmen also have good coordination with the relevant ministries. "This will live from cooperatives, ministries, just coordination so that the tools owned by the craftsmen here do not lose to places that have CNC tools, laser equipment," he said.
Therefore, according to him, the copper center must be supported because it is able to live in one village. Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Bolone Mase Strong Volunteers Hermawan Santoso said that in fact there had been a number of requests from several cities for Gibran to come to these places. "Pantura Central Java, middle lane, and south. Most ready in the middle lane so I chose this instead of jumping where to move," he said. According to him, there were no special considerations for choosing Boyolali as the first location of his political safari. "This is a gathering to the community. This is a place for copper production. One of the famous export copper, what are the problems, Mas Wali must also know," said the coordinator of the Gibran Rakabuming volunteer.
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