
The value of parking tax revenue in Jakarta in 2023 is certainly not able to achieve the initial target that was ratified in the 2023 regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD).

This is because the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency has decided to reduce the parking tax revenue target from Rp800 billion to Rp450 billion by the end of the year. Given, the parking tax in the second quarter of this year has only realized 29.08 percent or Rp232 billion.

In response to this, Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD urged the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency to more aggressively meet the parking tax target which is now being reduced.

Chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Ismail asked the Transportation Agency to regulate illegal parking that is still operating illegally. Then, the illegal parking points are changed to official parking points.

"We suggest making a study, so that later the control carried out will not only eliminate illegal parking but instead produce a potential income," said Ismail in his statement, quoted on Thursday, October 26.

Meanwhile, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, previously stated that he had made various efforts to eradicate illegal parking in Jakarta.

One of them is collaborating with the DKI Jakarta Communications and Information Office (Diskominfotik) to install CCTV in a number of places where illegal parking violations are indicated, as well as preparing 28 units of tow trucks.

"In the implementation of controlling illegal parking in addition to direct supervision in the field, we also carry out control based on complaints such as CRM (community response speed) after being received no later than an hour after the members have carried out control," said Syafrin.

On the other hand, the DKI Transportation Agency is also mapping which location points are allowed to park on the side of the road (on street) to boost regional revenue.

"Currently we are conducting a study, then we propose to be allowed to park on street. As long as the parking does not interfere with traffic circulation, it means that the use of the road body as an on-street parking is permissible and this correlation is that the parking levy becomes official. So this can be included in parking levies by the parking up (Manager's Unit)," he explained.

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