
JAKARTA - The Karang Taruna of DKI Jakarta Province appreciates the hard work of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir in improving the nation's economy. Chairman of the Youth Organization of DKI Jakarta Province Muhammad Mul said Erick had given concrete steps in making SOEs not only as an economic engine, but also a development agent.

"We consider him a future leader. We really admire him," said Mul in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 17.

Mul said that Erick, whose name is mentioned as the strongest vice presidential candidate, is an example of the right figure who can lead the nation in the future in facing various economic challenges. Mul assessed that Indonesia needs a figure like Erick in continuing various development achievements in the future.

"We see Pak Erick as a leader who has a clear performance, full of integrity, and achievements," said Mul.

As a youth organization born from and for the community, Mul said that Karang Taruna has a very strategic social role and is in line with what Erick does in BUMN. Mul said that BUMN and Karang Taruna have similarities in fighting poverty, social inequality, and giving birth to leadership with social character.

"Therefore, in the Karang Taruna Anniversary this time, we invited him because we wanted to hear directly from him," said Mul.

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