
Member of Commission II of the DPR Guspardi Gaus asked the KPU to obey the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) which granted the judicial review of the General Election Commission (PKPU) Regulations Number 10 and 11, regarding candidates for former corrupt convicts.

The KPU was asked to follow up on the decision wisely and wisely.

"We must obey the principles, obey the law and respect the decisions issued by the Supreme Court," Guspardi told reporters, Thursday, October 5.

The legislator for the West Sumatra electoral district admitted that he had not received a copy of the Supreme Court's decision and only found out from the news in the mass media. Guspardi said the DPR had just closed the trial period and entered a recess period from October 3 to 30, 2023.

"To follow up, of course, there must be a copy of the decision for the KPU and also us in Commission II, as the basis for conducting joint discussions in responding to the articles in the PKPU which were canceled by the Supreme Court," said the PAN politician.

Meanwhile, the election stages have taken place, especially the stages of deceleration, which have been included in the Provisional Candidates List (DCS) and the funeral of candidates before the stipulation of the Permanent Candidate List (DCT).

"Moreover, the issue of dismantling the pairs of legislative candidates (Caleg) is not simple," he explained.

Therefore, Guspardi assessed that the KPU must respond wisely and wisely to the Supreme Court's decision, so that no one will be harmed later

"Because it seems difficult to schedule a Hearing Meeting (RDP) because it is still in recess. All members of the DPR are in the electoral district in order to carry out their constitutional duties," concluded the member of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia.

It is known that the Supreme Court ordered the General Elections Commission to revoke two articles that made it easier for former corruption convicts to run as candidates for legislative members (caleg).

The two articles are Article 11 Paragraph 6 of the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 10 of 2023 and Article 18 Paragraph 2 of PKPU Number 11 of 2023.

The Supreme Court's order was based on the granting of a judicial review by the Supreme Court on Article 11 Paragraph (2) of the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 10 of 2023 and Article 18 Paragraph (2) of PKPU Number 11 of 2023.

The judicial review was submitted by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), and two former KPK leaders, namely Saut Situmorang and Abraham Samad.

"Ordered the Respondent (KPU) to revoke Article 11 paragraph (6) of KPU Regulation Number 10 of 2023 concerning the candidacy of DPR members, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD and Article 18 paragraph (2) of KPU Regulation Number 11 of 2023" reads a written statement from the Supreme Court.

The two provisions were questioned because they were considered to open the door for former corruption convicts to run as legislative candidates without waiting for a gap period of five years. In fact, referring to Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (UU Pemilu) and the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK), a former corruption convict can only apply as a legislative candidate after passing 5 years after being imprisoned.

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