
JAKARTA - Actress Amanda Gabriella Manopo Lugue alias Amanda Manopo has finished undergoing an examination at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. He admitted that his promotion was related to online games, and did not know about online gambling.

"I don't interfere and I don't know anything about online gambling. So this is just a misunderstanding," said Amanda, Monday, October 2.

The soap opera actor "Ikatan Cinta" also admitted that he had never played online games that he promoted. The job of promoting online games is obtained through the manager.

"I've never played games. All I know is that it's just a game, there's no gambling and it interacts through my manager. So through Rico and it's all evidence and everything, "he said.

Amanda underwent an examination for clarification requests from 14.00 WIB and finished at 20.00 WIB. According to Ina Rachman, Amanda Manopo's legal adviser, confirmed that the examination of her client was in the interview stage, conveyed what was known regarding her promotion. "This is still in the interview stage, what Manda knows, Manda conveyed. It doesn't mean that Manda knows that Manda is involved in online gambling. It's not like that," said Ina.

Furthermore, Ina explained that her client's process of getting a job promoting online games from her manager named Rico.

From the manager, said Ina, she has screened work that Amanda deserves to take or not, including the online game ad. The manager confirmed that what Amanda promoted was just an online game, so his client didn't know that the online game was online gambling.

"When asked, whether Manda doesn't check again is an online game or online gambling. Manda already has a manager, so the one who filtered everything is the manager. In this case, Riko, so when Riko had thrown jobs at Manda, Riko had researched whether the jobs were worth taking or not, "said Ina.

In addition, continued Ina, the manager has asked for guarantees from those who offer jobs, that the promotional video carried out by Amanda in 2021 is not online gambling.

"Amanda is just reading the script (nakas). So she doesn't know. For example, she made a video, yes, she was just told to make a video and keep reading the script. As soon as she was asked, you know, she doesn't even understand what spin is," said Ina, quoted by Antara.

From the job of promoting online games, said Ina, her client only gets paid not too much, which is around Rp. 16 million.

Ina said that her client's arrival at Bareskrim Polri was to fulfill his obligations as a law-abiding citizen, helping investigators provide information about allegations of promoting online gambling.

The examination of Amanda, he said, had been completed and there were more than 20 questions asked of his client. And if there is a follow-up summons, there will be further summons if needed.

"Well, today, the resummation of the investigation is considered sufficient even if later Manda needs more information, Manda is ready to attend," said Ina.

Amanda Manopo promotes the online game website 'Sakti123'. Apart from Amanda, a number of other artists who participated in promoting and being questioned by investigators, including Wulan Guritno, Yuki Kato, and Cupi Cupita.

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