
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono formed a Team for the Improvement of the Proposal of the Academic Script and Draft Law on the Specificity of Jakarta. This is stipulated in the Governor's Decree Number 643 of 2023 of the Implementation Team for the Proposal of the Academic Script Draft and the Draft Law on the Participation of Jakarta. This team was formed to formulate the direction of development for Jakarta after the transfer of the state capital (IKN) to Nusantara, East Kalimantan, and was included in the academic paper of the Regional Bill on the Participation of Jakarta which will be discussed by the government and the DPR. The Implementation Team for the Proposal of the Academic Script and the Draft Law on the Particularity of Jakarta is chaired by the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary, with the coach of the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, and the work units of the DKI Provincial Government as members. In detail, the task of the team to improve Jakarta's development regulations after not having the status of the capital city includes: a. conduct evaluation and analysis of the needs of arrangements for Jakarta after the transfer of the capital; b. prepare materials and materials to strengthen the substance of the proposed academic draft and Bill on the specificity of Jakarta; c. identify empirical data on current conditions, needs, and opportunities for Jakarta and the future; d. conduct evaluation and analysis of laws and regulations related to the specificity of Jakarta; e. carry out analysis of regulatory and/or authority needs related to the direction of development and policies of the City of Jakarta in the economic, social, institutional, financial and other policies related to the relocation of the capital city; f. provide and inventory data and information related to the process of improving the proposed academic draft and draft laws regarding the specificity of Jakarta in the ranks of regional apparatus/work units in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government regional apparatus in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation; g. formulate the direction of development and policies related to the direction of development and policies of the City of Jakarta in the economic, social, institutional, financial and other policies after the relocation of the capital city; h. formulate recommendations for asset management and long-term concepts in Jakarta; i. designing and formulating publication and socialization materials (infographics and pocket books as well as other things needed); j. carry out focus group discussions (FGD), public discussions and socialization of special concepts and development of the City of Jakarta after the relocation of the capital city; k. coordinating with stakeholders related to the improvement of the proposed academic paper for the draft law regarding the specificity of Jakarta; l. coordinating with other ministries/agencies in accordance with the needs of carrying out tasks; and m. carry out other tasks related to improving the proposed academic draft and draft law regarding the particularity of Jakarta given by the chairman.

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