
The Klapanunggal Police and the Bogor Resort Police managed to arrest two perpetrators of robbery armed with firearms (senpi) at Alfamart, Jalan Bojong Klapanunggal, Klapanunggal District, Bogor Regency. The two minimarket employees were detained when the five perpetrators took action.

The Head of the Klapanunggal Police of the Bogor Police, AKP Irrine Kania Defi, said that the two perpetrators of the theft had the initials AG and HS, who were secured under different roles. AG is the mastermind of the robbery plan.

"We managed to secure AG and HS who had different roles, namely the perpetrators of AG himself were the perpetrators who planned the theft and brought firearms, while another perpetrator, HS, was the perpetrator who was carrying a motorbike and riding three other perpetrators, besides that he was monitoring outside the minimarket area," said Irine Kania, Sunday, October 1.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Klapanunggal Police, Iptu AM Zalukhu, said that initially four men pretended to buy. Not long after, another man entered and pointed a gun and sharp weapon.

Employees surrendered, led by the perpetrators to the place where the money or safe was stored behind the warehouse.

Even the police who arrived at the location were forced to break down the door to remove the two employees who were being held captive.

The Rp25 million money was brought by the perpetrators. The police are still hunting and mapping the other three perpetrators who are still at large.

"Until now, the investigation process is still ongoing, in order to arrest other perpetrators," he said.

From the disclosure, the police managed to secure evidence in the form of 1 CCTV record flash drive, 1 motorbike, IDR 2.5 million in cash and a sweater. For his actions, the perpetrators were threatened with Article 365 of the Criminal Code and / or 363 of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of 9 years in prison.

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