JAKARTA - Cupi Cupita artist visited the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, today. His arrival was allegedly to provide information about online gambling promotions.
The woman, also known as a dancer, arrived at around 12.55 WIB. Wearing a black blazer and white shirt, Cupi Cupita seems to be accompanied by several people who are likely to be her lawyers.
There was not the slightest statement from him. The mouth of the dancer seemed to be tightly closed even though he had been bombarded with a number of questions.
Even from the police. The Director of Cyber Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Adi Vivid did not respond when confirmed regarding the schedule for the examination of the Cupi Cupita today.
In handling online gambling promotion, Cupi Cupita is the third artist to be questioned. Previously, Wulan Guritno and Yuki Kato had provided information regarding the matter.
Previously, Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, said that the Directorate of Cyber Crime would examine a number of influencers suspected of having contributed to promoting online gambling.
However, it was not detailed about the timing of the examination and the figure of the influencer who would be examined regarding online gambling promotions. So far, Ramadhan only mentioned that this matter will be conveyed later.
"Aka dilakukan klarifikasi lanjutan terhadap influencer lainnya terkait dugaan promosi judi online," kata Ramadhan.
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