
KUPANG - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that the rainy season for the 2023/2024 period in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) will be late or delayed compared to normal conditions.

"The current El Nino phenomenon with moderate intensity and positive IOD phenomenon contributed to the postponement of the start of the rainy season and shorter duration of rain to normal," said Head of Class II Climatology Station BMKG NTT, Rahmattulloh Adji, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 20.

Under normal circumstances, he continued, the rainy season in NTT is in October-November. However, out of a total of 28 Seasonal Zones (ZoM) in NTT today, 19 ZoM or 68 percent are predicted to experience the rainy season in December 2023. Furthermore, nine Zones or 32 percent will start the rainy season in November 2023.

When compared to the average climatological 1991-2000, he said, the start of the rainy season in NTT this time was too late compared to normal and occurred on 16 ZoM.

"The peak of the rainy season is expected to occur in February 2024," he said.

Adji said that the rainy season that arrived late or delayed could be used in the agricultural sector to start planting activities early.

However, BMKG appealed to all stakeholders and the public to be aware of areas entering the rainy season earlier than normal and anticipate the impact.

BMKG hopes that there will be preparations for handling and mitigating the possibility of disasters, especially in areas prone to flood disasters.

Adji advised local governments (Pemda) to be more optimal in maintaining, repairing, and normalizing river flows, water storage areas, drainage, and other supporting facilities.

In addition, local governments can also provide counseling on the construction of infiltration wells around settlements prone to flooding.

"It should also be noted that during the transition from dry to rainy, there is usually strong winds with heavy rain," he said.

Based on BMKG data, nine zones that will start the rainy season in November 2023 are central West Manggarai, Manggarai, East Manggarai, Ngada, western Nagekeo, central and eastern Kupang, western and northern South Central Timor, western and north Central Timor, northern Belu, eastern West Sumba, southern Central Sumba, and central East Sumba.

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