
YOGYAKARTA - The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS Indonesian National Army) together carry out intelligence missions. Want to know very different tasks of BIN and BAIS?

However, even though they both carry out intelligence missions, both of them have differences. What is the comparison between these two intelligence agencies?

Quoting from Law Number. 17, LN 2011/Number. 105, In this Law, it is regulated about Position, Goal, Guna, and Scope; State Intelligence Implementation; State Intelligence Personnel, Intelligence Secretariat; State Intelligence Agency; Coordination of State Intelligence; Financing, Accountability, and Supervision; and Criminal Provisions.

State Intelligence Agency (BIN)

Reported by various sources, the State Intelligence Agency or commonly abbreviated as BIN is an Indonesian non-ministerial government agency tasked with carrying out government duties in the intelligence sector, but it is still not finished in tackling state problems. The head of BIN since September 9, 2016 has been held by Budi Gunawan.

The first time Indonesia formed an intelligence agency called the Special Agency. This agency was guided by Colonel Zulkifli Lubis and consists of 40 former Indonesian Defenders (Meta) soldiers. The members are graduates of the Nakano Military Intelligence School who were founded in 1943.

The Special Agency then changed its name to become the Indonesian State Secret Agency (BRANI) in 1946. After that joined an institution called Defense Agency B, under the command of Defense Secretary Amir Sjarifuddin. In 1952, his name changed again to BisaP (War Force Staff Information Agency) under the leadership of TB Simatupang. This year, Mohammad Hatta received a training offer from the CIA

Around 1952 - 1958 there were many intelligence agencies in each institution. Then President Soekarno brought it all together into an institution called the Intelligence Coordinating Board (BKI). BKI changed its name back on November 10, 1959 to the Intelligence Center Agency (BPI). After the 1965 incident, the name BPI was changed again by President Suharto to STI (International Task Force). AS to conduct exercises against members of Indonesian intelligence agencies.

In 1966, Suharto educated KIN (State Intelligence Command) who was responsible, namely Suharto. A year after that, in 1967 the name KIN was changed to BAKIN (State Intelligence Coordination Agency) was headed by Major General Sudirgo. In 1983, BAIS (Strategic Intelligence Agency) was expanded. But in 1993 his duties were reduced by the president Suharto and became the ABRI Intelligence Agency (BIA).

In 2000, BAKIN changed its name to BIN (State Intelligence Agency) especially since the name is still at this time. The Indonesian state intelligence organization has changed its name 6 times.

Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS Indonesian National Army)

The Strategic Intelligence Agency (abbreviated as BAIS TNI) is a special organization to tackle military intelligence and is located under the command of the Indonesian National Army Headquarters. BAIS is tasked with supplying actual or future intelligence and strategic analysis, called the short term, medium term, and long term to the Commander of the Indonesian National Army and the defense ministry.

Quoting from several sources, BAIS was guided by the Head of BAIS of the Indonesian National Army who is based below and responsible to the Commander of the Indonesian National Army in implementing tasks every day coordinated by the Chief of General Staff (Kasum) of the Indonesian National Army. Currently, the Head of BAIS is led by Lt. Gen. Joni Suprianto.

Presidential Regulation concerning Substitutions Under Presidential Regulation No. 10 of 2010 concerning the Organizational Structure of the Indonesian National Armed Forces article 31 paragraph (3), the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency called the Indonesian National Army Bais is tasked with organizing activities and strategic intelligence operations by strengthening and strategic intelligence expertise in order to support the main tasks of the Indonesian National Army.

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