
JAKARTA - Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana reminded all election participants (elections) that the democratic party was not an opportunity to compete with each other for money, but an idea.

"PPATK wants the next election, we choose the leadership by arguing about ideas, vision, and mission; not fighting over the power of money, especially those from illegal sources," Ivan said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 15.

Ivan emphasized that PPATK is ready to support and assist the KPU in the success of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections, especially in terms of avoiding the circulation of illegal funds in financing political contestation.

"PPATK is ready to support and assist the KPU regarding how we avoid the existence of funds originating from illegal activities to be used to finance this political contestation," he said.

PPATK, he added, also conducted a special study regarding the limitation of contributors to funding political campaigns in order to create clean elections.

"Later, we will exchange information, socialize together with the KPU, and we are ready to support this election so that it becomes a clean election in the future," said Ivan.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari explained that his party required election participants to report campaign funds.

"There is an obligation for election participants to report campaign funds," said Hasyim.

In this case, the KPU feels the need to cooperate with PPATK to handle financial transactions and report the campaign funds.

"For this reason, a special campaign fund account has been prepared. It must be a bankable or transferable model through banks and there are institutions that specialize in handling financial transactions, namely PPATK," said Hasyim.

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