
JAKARTA - The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) stated that 1,108 drug sirop products from 102 pharmaceutical industries have met the provisions and are safe to use as long as they comply with the rules of use.

BPOM also stated that there were an additional 54 products that had met the provisions, based on repair documents submitted by the pharmaceutical industry during the period from July 18 to September 6, 2023.

"As of September 6, 2023, the percentage of drug sirops containing glycerin solvents, glycol propylene, glycol polyethylene, and/or sorbitol that have been declared to meet the provisions and are safe to use as long as according to the use rules have reached 92.2 percent of the total 1,202 drug cirrhops that are the object of verification," said a statement on the official BPOM website confirmed by BPOM Public Relations reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 14.

BPOM continues to verify the results of testing the raw materials for drugs and/or drug sirops based on the fulfillment of several criteria, such as supplier qualifications, testing the raw materials for each arrival and each container, testing methods that follow the latest standards/pharmacopies, as well as other information needed to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of drugs.

Currently, BPOM is in the final stages of verifying the results of testing the raw materials and drug sirop products that have been going on since October 26, 2022, in the context of resolving the handling of drug sirop cases.

"BPOM will continue to update information regarding the results of monitoring drug sirop," the statement said.

Information will be conveyed in stages by prioritizing the precautionary principle and based on the product registration database at BPOM, as well as verifying the results of testing raw materials and drug sirop products.

BPOM is committed to increasing the intensity of surveillance performance, both pre-marketing and post-marketing, fostering the pharmaceutical industry to increase compliance/maturity capacity in its quality system, as well as building collaborations with various related parties to strengthen supervision and legal action.

For this reason, BPOM urges drug manufacturer business actors to make independent withdrawals if things are found that cannot guarantee product quality and safety based on the results of self-assessment. This is done as a form of the producer's responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

In addition, BPOM also urges the public to always buy and obtain drugs in official facilities/shops, pharmacies, licensed drug stores, or health care facilities.

Meanwhile, if you buy drugs online, make sure the drugs are obtained through official stores or pharmacies that already have a Pharmacy Electronic System Operator (PSEF) permit from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

Informasi daftar produk sirup obat yang memenuhi ketentuan dan aman digunakan sepanjang sesuai aturan pakai dapat diakses masyarakat melalui

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