JAKARTA - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini checked the readiness of an international event titled ASEAN High Level Forum (AHLF) on Enabling Disability and Partnership beyond 2025 between high-ranking officials and ASEAN partners about persons with disabilities in Makassar.
The agenda will be held on October 9-11, 2023, while the most important thing is the Minister of Social Affairs, Risma Access, a place for people with disabilities.
"We will add some access to the Rotterdam Fort, especially regarding access for persons with disabilities," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 6.
The Minister of Social Affairs specifically chose Fort Rotterdam as a place for dinner together.
In addition, Risma will introduce the Technical Service Unit (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Makassar, namely the Wirajaya Center to the ASEAN state delegation, where one of the functions of the Wirajaya Center provides social rehabilitation services for people with disabilities.
During his working visit to the Makassar Wirajaya Center, Social Minister Risma planned to make facilities for people with disabilities, such as special toilets. This is important to provide comfort for participants while undergoing conferences and show the world that the people of Makassar respect the rights of persons with disabilities.
The AHLF event is also a momentum to show the international community the potential for tourism in " Daeng City" -as Makassar City - not only famous for panorama, but also typical culinary tours.
"We have to show, who knows later he (a delegation, ed.) wants to bring his family here after the event is over," he told Makassar Mayor Danny Pomanto.
The AHLF on Enabling Disability and Partnership beyond 2025 event was attended by 200 participants from representatives of the ASEAN Sector Agency, ASEAN affiliated organizations, disability-based organizations, ASEAN speech partners, and academics.
The implementation of AHLF2023 in Makassar is in line with the review (Midterm Review of AEM 2025) of commitments and concrete efforts in the mainstreaming of the rights of persons with disabilities that have been running so far.
AEM (ASEAN Enabling Masterplan) is related to the agenda with ASEAN until 2030 which takes concrete steps together to create an inclusive environment for people with disabilities.
Joint commitment is based on eight basic principles, namely respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make their own choices, and the independence of others.
In addition, non-discrimination; full and effective participation and inclusion in society; respect for differences and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human and humanitarian diversity; equality of opportunity; accessibility; equality between men and women; respecting the growing capacity of children with disabilities and respect for the rights of children with disabilities to preserve identity.
The meeting will also strengthen the strengthening of cooperation in the Southeast Asia region through projected cooperation and effective partnerships in the issue of development that is inclusive for disability.
Delegations will also witness a number of technology exhibitions for aids and accommodation suitable for persons with disabilities. Exhibition participants can provide information and demonstrate the use of tool technology and accommodation, such as Tune Map (map application for blind people), Adaptive Sticks, Difalink (platform information on job vacancies specifically for disabled colleagues).
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