
JAKARTA - First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo showed a mini version of Indonesia at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Archipelago to assistants to ASEAN leaders and partner countries as part of the 43rd ASEAN Summit (KTT) series.

While showing the mini version of the archipelago in Indonesia, Iriana hopes that assistants to ASEAN leaders and partners can tour directly throughout Indonesia.

"We can also watch the mini version of Indonesia, maybe we can see what is here. This is a mini version of Indonesia map. Mothers shouldn't just look at this, they can travel throughout Indonesia," said Iriana in an official statement from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 6.

When welcoming ASEAN leaders and partner countries, Iriana also invited them to enjoy the presentation of various Indonesian cultures performed at Archipelago's Mini Indonesia Indah Park (TMII).

A number of cultural performances have been prepared to be displayed to assistants to ASEAN leaders and partners.

"I hope that later the activities in Jakarta will all enjoy what I will present," said Iriana.

The cultural performance began with the theatrical action of "The Pitung and Aminah" played by Indonesian children.

Iriana also invited ASEAN leaders and partners to play musical instruments from West Java, angklung.

After that, the theatrical performance was again displayed with the background of the children's journey to the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) on the island of Kalimantan.

The Indonesian cultural performance session closed with the appearance of parachuting carried out by women from the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the National Police.

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