
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will temporarily close roads in the Semanggi area to the Senayan Roundabout, this afternoon. The closure was carried out in order to secure the series of activities of the 43rd ASEAN High-Level Conference (KTT) Galanner in Gelora City Forest Bung Karno.

"At night, we will sterilize the route from Semanggi to the Senayan Roundabout," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman, quoted Wednesday, September 6.

The road closure process starts at 16.00 WIB to 22.00 WIB. Later, traffic flow in the area will be diverted.

Latif said the traffic flow from Jalan Gatot Subroto to Jalan Jenderal Sudirman would be diverted to Slipi. Then, the traffic flow from the Hotel Indonesia (HI) roundabout to Senayan was diverted to Kuningan.

In addition, traffic engineering will also apply three areas from 07.00 WIB to 10.00 WIB. The three areas are Senayan, HI Roundabout, and Kuningan.

Latif detailed, in the current diversion scheme that will be implemented later, the MH Thamrin-Sudirman Street section will be sterilized starting from the Horse Statue Roundabout to the Senayan Roundabout.

The Sudirman route is really a priority for state guests. Likewise at the Senayan Roundabout. We will turn people from Antasari to the left to enter through Pakubowono. Pakubuwono to enter Permata Hijau. Green Permata straight through Slipi or through Tomang please get to the city center," he explained.

The HR Rasuna Said Road section is also applied for sterilization either from the Mampang direction or vice versa. This is because the delegates and state guests will cross the road.

"For Kuningan, no one can enter Rasuna Said, because there are state guests who will pass through the road. So that those who have entered from Pancoran to Kuningan will turn left," said Latif.

"Likewise, the direction from Tendean, which usually passes through the tunnel, we will turn to the right or to the left. So it is hoped that it will not reach Semanggi. Because everything must go back and forth, which is a bit far away," he continued.

Furthermore, the Gatot Subroto Road section starts from the Kuningan Traffic Light to the Slipi Traffic Light.

In the scheme on the road, four-wheeled vehicles from Cawang heading towards Slipi will be directed to enter the Toll Road. Meanwhile, two-wheeled vehicles will be directed to turn left towards Mampang.

Meanwhile, vehicles from Pasar Minggu to Jalan Gatot Subroto will be straightened to Tebet.

So that the direction of the current from the East, Cawang, from Bekasi, for four-wheeled vehicles, we will enter it via Tebet 1 to enter the toll road so as not to enter Kuningan. For two wheels, which will go to activities in the city area, which from Pasar Minggu we will straighten out via Tebet. We will add four wheels to the toll road," said Latif.

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