
YOGYAKARTA - There is the figure of Kiai Kholil As'ad behind the advancement of Muhaimin Iskandar as Anies Baswedan's vice presidential candidate for the 2024 election. The man who is familiarly called Cak Imin revealed that since 2021 he was ordered by Kiai Kholil As'ad to accompany Anies Baswedan. The public is also curious about the profile of Kiai Kholil As'ad who is a role model for Cak Imin.

Muhaimin Iskandar, Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB), officially became the vice president of Anies Baswedan. At the declaration of the presidential and vice presidential reading at the Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya, on Saturday (2/9), Cak Imin mentioned the name of NU figure Kiai Kholil As'ad regarding his decision to accompany Anies Baswedan.

In the midst of the turmoil in the emergence of Cak Imin as Anies Baswedan's partner, Cak Imin's confession was mandated by Kiai Kholil As'ad, of course, surprising to the public. So what is the profile of Kiai Kholil As'ad like?

Kiai Kholil As'ad is one of the famous figures as a Kiai Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Kiai Kholil As'ad is the founder and founder of the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School in Situbondo, East Java.

Kiai Kholil As'ad is the son of the couple KH Raden As'ad Syamsul Arifin with Nyai Hj Zainab. KH Raden As'ad Syamsul Arifin is one of the founders of NU in Situbondo. Kiai Kholil As'ad is a great scholar born in Mecca and respected by Nahdliyin.

Kiai Kholil As'ad studied in Mecca until he returned to Indonesia in 1991. In 1992, he married Ning Nur Waqiah Sufyan, daughter of KH Ahmad Sufyan Miftahul Arifin. From their marriage, 10 children were born consisting of three women and seven men.

As the well-known and respected figure of Kiai NU, Kiai Kholil As'ad has been scolded by a number of high-ranking officials in the country. Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto has met with Kiai Kholil As'ad several times. In 2018, Prabowo visited Banyuwangi asking for his blessing from Kiai Kholil As'ad to run for the 2019 presidential election.

Prabowo Subianto also met with Kiai Kholil As'ad again in May 2022 during the Eid al-Fitr moment. He visited the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School to stay in touch during the Eid moment.

Not only Prabowo, Sandiaga Uno has also visited Kiai Kholil As'ad at the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School. The meeting even became the fifth meeting of Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno with Kiai Kholil As'ad.

Anies Baswedan also met Kiai Kholil As'ad at the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School in early August 2023. Anies Baswedan's arrival was warmly welcomed by Kiai Kholil As'ad's family. In a media interview, Anies also said that Kiai Kholil was in Jakarta, he would definitely take the time to meet.

When delivering a speech at the Majapahit Hotel Surabaya, Cak Imin recounted the moment he received a mandate from Kiai Kholil As'ad to run as Anies Baswedan's partner.

"In 2021 I was summoned by Al Mukarom, Father Kiai Kholil Asad in Situbondo, he is here, he is the son of Kiai Asad Syamsul Arifin, the founder of NU. I was summoned," said Cak Imin.

"Muhaimin, in my opinion, you must be with Anies Baswedan," said Cak Imin recalling a message from Kiai Kholil As'ad.

Cak Imin revealed that he was shocked and stunned when he heard the message from the cleric he was reluctant about. However, Cak Imin feels grateful that he is trusted to take important steps to contribute to Indonesia.

That is the profile of Kiai Kholil As'ad as an NU cleric figure who is respected by many people, including high-ranking officials in the country. Kiai Kholil has advised Cak Imin since two years ago to come forward to accompany Anies Baswedan.

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