JAKARTA - An 11-year-old boy was found dead after being missing due to drowning in the East Flood Canal (KBT), near the KBT floodgate, Malaka Jaya Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta on Sunday, September 3.
The victim's body was found after a search was carried out by East Jakarta Gulkarmat officers using rubber boats.
"The search for a drowning person named Kenzie. The victim was found dead," said Head of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman, when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, September 3.
The search for the victim's body was carried out starting at 15.19 WIB by East Jakarta Gulkarmat officers.
"The victim was found at around 15.45 WIB. Thank God, the fire department has found the victim," he said.
The search was carried out by a team containing 6 personnel from East Jakarta Gulkarmat officers.
"The victim drowned while swimming in the KBT River. The victim is known as a resident of Buaran 2 Street, Klender Village, Duren Sawit District," he said.
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