Police Investigate Motives Of Students Persecuting Mts Students In Blitar To Death
Blitar City Police Chief AKBP Danang Setyo Pambudi Sukarno. BETWEEN/HO-police


BLITAR - Polres Blitar East Java, masih mendalami motif pelaku pembunuhan pelajar sekolah madrasah Tsanawiyah (setinggi SMP) di Kabupaten Blitar terhadap temannya sendiri hingga korban meninggal dunia.

"The motive must be investigated first, it cannot be done directly. What is clear is that this is done by the children," said Blitar City Police Chief AKBP Danang Setyo Pambudi Sukarno, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 28.

The process of investigating the case is still ongoing today. The police have also examined 16 witnesses, both from school friends, teachers, including family.

The police are currently still waiting for the psychological examination schedule for the perpetrator, who is still a minor.

"For the investigation, we are still waiting for the results of the autopsy. If the perpetrator has been placed in a special place with assistance. We are waiting for the schedule for the psychological examination of the perpetrators," he said.

Previously reported, cases of violence occurred in the environment of a state madrasah Tsanawiyah (sMP level) in Blitar Regency, carried out by fellow friends.

The case occurred on Friday (25/8) during the changing hours of study with the victim MA, a 9-5 grader. Meanwhile, the perpetrator of the beating of KR, a grader of 9.7.

The perpetrator entered the victim's classroom to the victim's seat screaming. At that time, his other friends had tried to get in the way but were released.

The perpetrator hit three times (regarding vital body parts, namely the back lap of the head and chest) without any resistance from the victim.

The victim immediately fell, unconscious. He also had time to receive treatment in the UKS room.

However, due to unconsciousness, the madrasa took him to a hospital in Srengat, Blitar Regency, for examination, but the victim was declared dead.

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