PONTIANAK - Head of the West Kalimantan Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) RM Wiwied Widodo said the circulation of wildlife in West Kalimantan Province was starting to worry. The participation of all parties is needed so that this case can be suppressed.
"The cause of the threat of wildlife in Indonesia is at least two things, namely reduced habitat damage and hunting and trade in wildlife. The circulation of wildlife in West Kalimantan itself is no less worrying," he said in Pontianak, Antara, Friday, August 25.
Based on the results of online monitoring on social media conducted, in the period of 3 years in 2021-2023, there were 8,020 animals traded with a total transaction of IDR 576,706,850.
"The West Kalimantan BKSDA together with the Planet Indonesia Foundation through the Wildlife Trade Unit (WTU) program obtained detailed data on the circulation of wild animals, both protected and not protected. The results of the data collection help government agencies and related parties in taking conservative steps to ensure the protection of wildlife," he explained.
He said that recently this occurred in Pontianak, the smuggling of 36 protected animals in the form of 16 proboscisants or monkeys typical of Kalimantan, 10 Maluku Cockatoos, 3 Koki Cockatoos, 3 White Kakatua birds, 3 Yellow Jambul birds and 1 Raja Kakatua bird.
"The case began during the operation to secure routine patrols of Lantamal XII, on December 20, 2022," he explained.
The animals were carried by a Vietnamese ship under the name MV Royal 06 which contained oil palm stalls and the plan was for these animals to be smuggled into Vietnam.
"The circulation of protected wildlife in West Kalimantan Province is quite high and there are possible indications that the protected cross-border trade network is supported by geographical conditions in West Kalimantan Province which is directly adjacent to neighboring countries," he said.
According to him, with cases in the field, it is necessary to carry out protection efforts. Protection as an effort to raise awareness, supervise and eradicate wildlife trafficking activities in West Kalimantan needs to be further improved.
"Back for this protection requires the attention and cooperation of the parties, starting from the Government, law enforcement institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the public, including the media," he explained.
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