
PONTIANAK - Head of the West Kalimantan Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPDB) Information Task Force (Kalbar) Daniel said the distribution of hotspots in West Kalimantan had a drastic decrease in the impact of high rainfall intensity.

"The distribution of hotspots today decreased with the rain falling with high intensity that occurred in all districts/cities in West Kalimantan. As of August 23, 2023, there were 124 hotspots. Meanwhile, as of August 22, 2023, there were 180 points. Previously, August 15, there were 1,618 hotspots in West Kalimantan," he said in Pontianak as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 24.

In addition, his party will also carry out Weather Modification Technology (TMC) by sowing salt in clouds in the West Kalimantan region this afternoon.

"This is able to accelerate the occurrence of rain in the West Kalimantan region. So in other words, we cannot determine the area where TMC will be carried out because it depends on the movement of existing clouds," he said.

Based on data from the Pontianak City Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS), the air quality reached a good level at 16.00 WIB on August 23, 2023.

Head of the Pontianak City Environment Agency (DLH) Syarif Usmulyono said this change in air quality was a good achievement.

"Alhamdulillah, the condition of good level quality has not been achieved since the last 2-3 weeks," he said.

This condition is also the impact of the rain that has fallen for several days in the Pontianak City area.

In line with this, today's ISPU data is the lowest concentration of PM2.5 particulates at 6 categories. Good at 16.00 WIB. This figure is much lower than on August 14, 2023 at 01.00 WIB, which shows that the 673 categories of 673 categories are very dangerous.

In general, the ISPU data for the last 24 hours in the Pontianak City area, he said, was at a moderate level. He hopes that other areas in West Kalimantan will also experience rain.

"Hopefully in neighboring districts there will also be rain, so that the hotspots around the Pontianak City area can be extinguished. Then, the smoke that arises from the burning does not come here," he said.

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