
YOGYAKARTA - Celebrity Kirana Larasati announced her departure from PDIP membership, Thursday (17/8).

The announcement was made through a video recording uploaded on his Instagram social media account along with the commemoration of the 78th independence day of the Republic of Indonesia yesterday.

"On this day of independence of my beloved Indonesian country, I Kirana Larasati would like to convey that I have resigned from the party where I have been under, the PDI-P," said Kirana Larasati in the video.

Quoting from several sources, on that occasion, Kirana also thanked him for the opportunity and support that had been given to her and fought together. He also stated that he always wished him the best.

Kirana also explained the unanimous reason for withdrawing from Megawati Sukarnoputri's party. He admitted that he was busy and could not work optimally as a cadre of the white-nosed bull party.

"There is also a reason I resigned because of my busy schedule so that I can no longer accommodate my work as an officer or party administrator," he said.

"For now, I am not joining any party. Thank you," added Kirana.

Kirana also thanked the PDIP while praying for their success in the future.

"Hopefully the PDI-P will always be victorious. I said goodbye," he said.

Kirana's Political Career At PDIP Previously

For information, in the 2019 Legislative Election, Kirana advanced as a candidate for the DPR from PDIP. He fought for a seat in the West Java electoral district I (Bandung-Cimahi).

He has also worked as Deputy Chair for Social and Cultural Affairs of the DKI Jakarta PDIP DPD.

Meanwhile, currently, through uploads on social media, he appears to be active as a diver. Kirana also starred in some projects recently, one of which was the 48 Hour film for Indah in 2022.

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