
The Bogor Resort Police Narcotics Investigation Unit (Polres) arrested 21 suspected drug dealers of methamphetamine, psychotropics and illegal drugs over the past two weeks.

"The perpetrators circulated the illicit goods using a patch system and cash on delivery (COD)," said Head of the Bogor Police Narcotics Investigation Unit AKP Muhammad Ilham during a press conference at the Police Headquarters, Cibinong, Bogor, Friday.

He explained that of the 21 suspected drug dealers who were arrested, one of them was female.

They operate in several sub-districts of Bogor Regency, such as Ciawi, Leuwisadeng, Rumpin, Ciseeng, Citeureup, Cibinong, Babakan Madang, Leuwiliang, Cileungsi and Gunung Putri Districts.

According to him, the suspects in carrying out their actions were motivated by economic motives.

"The evidence that we managed to secure were 16.69 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 11,609 pills and 77 psychotropic pills," he explained.

The articles that will be imposed on the suspects are Article 114, Article 112 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, Article 196, Article 197 of Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning health and Article 59 of Law No. 5 of 2009 concerning psychotropics.

"From the evidence that was successfully secured, we managed to save 6,000 souls of the nation's children from drug abuse," said Ilham.

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