
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Health does not yet have a discourse on the re-implementation of distance learning (PJJ) or working from home (WFH) related to the issue of increasingly worrying air pollution.

Previously, President Jokowi at a limited meeting at the Merdeka Palace, Monday, revealed that the government would consider options for WFH or some to offices and others at home (hybrids) in severe air pollution conditions.

Meanwhile, separately, the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) also suggested the re-imposition of WFH and PJJ regarding the threat of air pollution in the Jakarta area and its surroundings.

Responding to this, the Head of the Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi stated, the Ministry of Health does not yet have a discourse on re-implementing PJJ or WFH.

Siti Nadia Tarmizi reminded about the impact of WFH and PJJ during the pandemic. Although these two efforts are very meaningful in avoiding the transmission and spread of Covid-19, the impact is also quite significant for the economy and education.

"We already have a study, yes, at WFH time, how many numbers are left behind," said Nadia in her statement, Wednesday, August 16.

Nadia believes that there are other solutions outside PJJ and WFH, for example to reduce air pollution, car free day is held, there is a program to use electric vehicles, or incentives for electric vehicle taxes.

Although the WFH and PJJ are proposed to maintain the health and welfare of citizens, Nadia said, this step actually affects the decline in the quality of education received by children.

Nevertheless, Nadia stated that the Ministry of Health would follow the directions given by President Jokowi.

Nadia emphasized that the Ministry of Health is more focused on prevention efforts through citizen education to maintain personal health.

Furthermore, Nadia said that cigarette smoke is also one of the causes of pollution. Moreover, the impact of cigarette smoke on passive smokers is as dangerous as active smokers.

"Don't just talk about air pollution. The main pollution includes smoking the closest (pollution) and we always fight for a smoke-free area," he said.

The public is advised to remain alert to the development of the situation and follow the guidelines provided by the government and related health institutions. With cooperation and mutual awareness, it is hoped that air pollution can be controlled and better air quality can be realized in the not too distant future.

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