JAKARTA - The General Chair of the Gerindra Party and the future presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto assess the economic program of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) or Jokowinomics as a real application from the Pancasila Economy whose focus is on improving the welfare of the community.
"Jokowinomics is a real application from the Pancasila economy that we can use to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045," Prabowo said while attending the Economic Seminar of the National University of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 15.
The Minister of Defense explained that the principle of Pancasila's economy is economic activity based on the principles of the Indonesian nation, that the economy must be able to realize national unity, uphold humanity, side with national, egalitarian and populist interests, and social justice.
A number of concrete programs from the Pancasila economy run by Jokowi, namely, Healthy Indonesia Cards, Smart Indonesia Cards, Basic Food Cards, Family Hope Programs, and Village Fund BLT.
Prabowo also said most of the programs were to help small communities. He also said he would continue the programs if he was elected president in 2024.
"The cards applied by President Jokowi are clearly a real application from the Pancasila economy and the benefits are felt by tens of millions of Indonesians. If we want to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045, the way is to implement the Pancasila economy, and we must believe that our mazhab and our formula is the Pancasila economy," said Prabowo.
Prabowo said the Pancasila economic perspective was needed to improve the welfare of the Indonesian people as part of the nation's transformation strategy towards Indonesia Gold 2045.
Prabowo explained 10 focus policies towards Golden Indonesia, namely food security; energy security, water security, poverty alleviation, health and pharmaceuticals, education, science and technology, defense, industrialization, political reform, law and bureaucracy, transformation of state finances.
As for the presentation of several temporary best recommendations fast programs, namely free lunch and milk for all students at school, continuing the Healthy Indonesia Card program, Smart Indonesia Card, Basic Food Cards, PKH and Village Fund BLT, building integrated leading schools in each Regency.
Then reduce the TB case to zero cases in 2029, establish the State Revenue Agency and increase the tax ratio to reach 16 percent, as well as extensification and intensification of agricultural land with village, regional and national rice barns.
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Prabowo also explained that the prorakyat program that provides protection in the informal sector and daily workers, as well as a small microeconomic incentive program, really must be continued and executed properly.
"So that informal workers, daily workers, hawkers can all meet their basic daily needs, this is a good program from President Joko Widodo so we must continue," he said.
Not only for informal workers and MSME players, the prorakyat program must also target all students in Indonesia, from elementary to high school levels.
Prabowo wants students to get free lunch as an increase in nutrition for future generations of the nation, preventing stunting and preparing future human resources.
"We will provide free lunch and milk every day for our students from elementary, junior high, to high school. We must fulfill the nutrition of the young generation of the Indonesian nation. This is the key to the generation of Indonesia gold 2045," he said.
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