
TANGERANG - A minimarket employee named Abdul Majid (30) was robbed by a group of perpetrators in Menjangan Raya, Pondok Ranji, East Ciputat, South Tangerang. As a result, the victim suffered a stab wound.

East Ciputat Police Chief, Kompol Agung Nugroho said it happened on Sunday, August 6, at 02.00 WIB.

"It's true, there was one employee who experienced robbery by two perpetrators. The mode was to take it by first slashing the victim's left hand using a sickle," said Agung when confirmed, Monday, August 7.

Agung told that the incident started when the victim was playing with his cellphone in front of a minimarket. Suddenly a group of perpetrators came carrying sickles.

One of the perpetrators got off the motorbike and approached the victim while brandishing a sickle at the victim while saying, "HAPE, HAPE MANA HAPE" that's how it is," he said

"The perpetrator immediately slashed the victim's left hand and took the cellphone that the victim was holding," he continued.

After seizing the victim's cellphone, the group of perpetrators left the scene. So that the action is not known by local residents.

"After the incident, the victim's friend reported the incident to the East Ciputat Police, for further processing," he said.

Agung said that his party is currently investigating the alleged burglary case. He admitted that he was still waiting for the victim's statement, in order to uncover the case.

"We have visited, checked the crime scene and took the victim to a post-mortem and treatment to the hospital. Meanwhile, we are still coordinating with the victim to be able to report providing information about the incident," he concluded.

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