
JAKARTA - A student became a victim of violence perpetrated by a Bina Karya Vocational School teacher, East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The incident occurred in the school area on Wednesday, August 2, then.

As a result of the violence, the victim's hand with the initials YAP suffered serious injuries after being smeared in boiling water.

For this incident, the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI) strongly condemned the perpetrators of violence.

"We strongly condemn the acts of violence carried out by the teacher against his students by diping their children's hands into boiling water. The teacher's actions are violations of children's rights and also violations of human rights. Moreover, Indonesia has vaccinated the International Anti-Terrorism Convention," said Chairman of the FSGI Expert Council, Retno Listyarti in her statement, Sunday, August 6.

According to FSGI, the act of violence has violated Article 76 of Law no. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, namely committing violence that results in serious injuries and permanent defects in the victim's child, can be sentenced to 15 years and a third heavier because the perpetrator is one of the closest people to the victim.

"Moreover, this is a boarding school, where child care is entrusted to the school. Schools can also be subject to Article 54 of the Child Protection Law, where the article requires schools to protect students while in the school environment from all forms of violence, whether committed by educators, educators, or students. Schools are negligent and fail to protect children," he said.

In addition, he continued, schools also violated Permendikbud No. 82 of 2015 concerning the Prevention and Control of Violence in the Education Unit.

"Although it happened at night and in the dormitory room, the environment is part of the school," he said.

Furthermore, FSGI encouraged the police to immediately thoroughly investigate this case as reported by the victim's parents.

The police must immediately detain the alleged perpetrator so as not to eliminate evidence and influence other students in the examination.

FSGI also encourages the police to use the Child Protection Law so that perpetrators can be severely punished according to the applicable laws and regulations.

FSGI urges the NTT Provincial Health Office to immediately restore the health of the victim's child as a form of special protection for children in the UUPA, considering that the victim is still a child and is still long in the future, so if surgery is needed to handle the victim's injuries, then all costs are borne by the local government.

"FSGI encourages the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A) of NTT Province to assist the victim's child during police examination and also restore the victim's psychological condition," he explained.

FSGI also encouraged the NTT Provincial DP3A Office to conduct psychological and psychosocial assessments to other students at the boarding school because there were allegations that they also experienced violence in other forms during the disciplinary process.

"This is for improvement in the future and protecting other students from various forms of violence in the name of educating and disciplining. Because in educating and disciplining children is actually without violence," he said.

Previously, a number of photos circulated widely on social media Facebook, which showed the hands of students at the Bina Karya Larantuka Private Vocational School were sluggish and widespread. It is suspected that the perpetrator was identified with the initials BN, a Catholic monk who is an educator at the school.

Meanwhile, regarding the incident, the victim's parents reported this case to the East Flores Police on August 3.

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