
BOYOLALI - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked the government and manufacturers to prioritize the purchase of local farmers' tobacco. Ganjar urged tobacco imports to be limited so that tobacco farmers in Indonesia are prosperous. This was conveyed by Ganjar while attending the Tobacco Wait Festival in Senden Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency, Thursday, August 3. Cultural activities to start the tobacco harvest were attended by thousands of people and Boyolali Regent. "I have met with the two largest cigarette manufacturers in Indonesia and asked them to buy farmers' tobacco. Indeed, after excise increases, the manufacturer is rather tight, so the capacity of the procurement may not be much. However, I still ask them to prioritize buying tobacco from farmers," said Ganjar., in addition to factories, the government, especially Ganjar's continued ministries, was also asked to limit tobacco import policies. Because, at harvest time the certainty of tobacco purchases is highly awaited by farmers. "I conveyed it to the ministry, because there used to be imports as well, please belong to farmers, please prioritized. Because, many good tobacco produced by farmers today is not inferior to other countries' tobacco," he said. Ganjar said that he would continue to struggle for the welfare of farmers in Central Java, especially tobacco farmers. Because, many areas in Central Java have become agricultural centers. "Moreover, Central Java, many good tobacco is now produced by farmers from Temanggung, Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten and others. So, I will continue to encourage Central Java tobacco to be a priority," he concluded. This concrete step of Ganjar was greeted enthusiastically by the farmers. They admitted that they were relieved because Ganjar immediately ensured that his agricultural products were absorbed by manufacturers. "Mr. Ganjar is very happy to fight for tobacco farmers to buy tobacco farmers. Pak Ganjar has always struggled for the welfare of farmers," said kaji Sunaryo.

The man who has worked as a tobacco farmer for 50 years said the price of tobacco fluctuates every year. This year, the first pick tobacco is priced at IDR 50,000 per kilo. "That's good, because it's just the first pick. Later, good quality is usually valued at IDR 70,000 to IDR 80,000. Yes, I hope the weather will remain good like this, so that the results are also of high quality," he concluded.

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