
TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said the judicial process for alleged corruption in accepting bribes involving the Head of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) Marsdya Henri Alfiandi would be held openly.

"The judicial process is open, please monitor the media. So far, what has happened before is that there are no military courts that are closed, such as for criminal acts of corruption," said Yudo Margono at the official residence of the vice president of Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.

Previously, the KPK named the Head of Basarnas Marsdya TNI Henri Alfiandi (HA) as a suspect by the KPK because he was suspected of accepting bribes of Rp. 88.3 billion from several goods procurement projects at Basarnas in the 2021-2023 period.

However, at a press conference at TNI Headquarters Cilangkap, the Commander of the Central Military Police (Danpuspom) TNI Marshal Muda (Marsda) TNI Agung Handoko assessed that the OTT and the determination of suspects carried out by the KPK against Marsdya TNI Henri Alfiandi (HA) and Lt. Col. Adri Budi Cahyanto (ABC), were not in accordance with the procedure.

"What is clear is that the TNI does not protect its personnel who commit criminal acts. It will definitely be prosecuted according to applicable regulations. The KPK, which has the evidence, was handed over to us yesterday for investigation," said the TNI Commander.

There is one other suspect who is also an active TNI officer, namely Koorsmin Kabasarnas Lt. Col. Adri Budi Cahyanto. Meanwhile, from the civilian side, the suspect is the President Commissioner of PT. Multi Grafika Cipta Sejati (MGCS) Mulsunadi Gunawan (MG), President Director of PT IGK (Interekno Grafika Sejati (IGK) Marilya (MR), and President Director of PT Kundah Abadi Utama (KAU) Roni Aidil.

"Yes, actually we have an inspectorate. At TNI Headquarters there is an Inspector General of the TNI, in each dimension there is also an Inspector General, Navy Inspector General, Inspector General AD, Inspector General AU, that's the function of implementing the government's internal supervisory apparatus. That's what implements it and we also check the BPK once every 6 months," said Yudo.

With this incident, the TNI Commander emphasized that he would conduct an evaluation in the work of the TNI Inspectorate. "Yes, evaluated, of course, it will be our joint evaluation," added Yudo.

The case was revealed after investigators from the anti-corruption agency conducted a hand arrest operation (OTT) on Tuesday (25/7) in Cilangkap and Jatisampurna, Bekasi.

After the OTT, on Friday (28/7), Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Johanis Tanak admitted that his subordinates made mistakes and made mistakes in determining the suspect against members of the TNI.

The statement was made after the entourage of the Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Rear Admiral Julius Widjojono accompanied by the Commander of the Central Military Police (Danpuspom) TNI First Marshal Agung Handoko and his staff visited the KPK building.

Johanis Tanak refers to Article 10 of Law no. 14 of 1970 concerning Basic Provisions for Judicial Power which states that the judicial points are regulated by four institutions, general courts, military, state and religious administrative courts.

He said, from this case, his party would improve and be more careful in handling corruption cases, especially those involving members of the TNI.

The alleged corruption case in Basarnas began in 2021. At that time, Basarnas opened several job project tenders announced through the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE).

Then, in 2023, Basarnas re-opened tenders for three work projects, namely, procurement of debris detection equipment, procurement of Public Safety Diving Equipment, and Procurement of ROV for KN SAR Ganesha (Multiyears 2023-2024).

Three suspects from the private sector then took a personal approach by meeting HA as the Head of Basarnas and ABC as the Head of Basarnas, as assistants and HA confidants, to win the three projects.

During the meeting, it was suspected that there was an agreement to give a sum of money in the form of a fee of 10 percent of the contract value. The determination of the amount of the fee is allegedly determined directly by HA.

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