
YOGYAKARTA A discussion event entitled Save the Golkar Party: Towards the 2024 Legislative Election Victory organized by the Young Generation of the Golkar Party (GMPG) at Pulau Dua Restaurant, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, turned into chaos. The riots even led to repression of journalists who were covering the event. So, what is the chronology of the commotion at the event of the younger generation of Golkar? Check out the full information below.

The commotion at the discussion event entitled Save the Golkar Party: Towards the 2024 Legislative Election Victory which was held by GMPG occurred before the discussion event was held, which was around 14.00 WIB.

At that time, the media crew were in the room waiting for the event to start. Suddenly there was a commotion outside the room, journalists rushed to the location to cover the moment.

Outside the room, a group of unknown people with free attributes claiming to be Golkar cadres raided the event. They asked the organizers to disband the discussion.

The clash between the committee and the mob was inevitable. They seemed to be arguing.

The media crew who was taking pictures of the riots were also affected. A televise journalist named Janivan Prapta was hit when recording the quarrel.

Meanwhile, other journalists who were covering the same moment, their cellphones were captured and thrown with origin.

The commotion at the Golkar youth cadre event had subsided for 15 minutes. However, after that the quarrel was repeated.

An unknown crowd urged them to enter the discussion room. Not enough to stop there, they also urged journalists who were outside to enter the room.

They threatened reporters to immediately turn off the camera and immediately disbanded this discussion.

Next, the reporters moved away from the scene of the commotion. It was only about 10 minutes later that the police came and dispersed the crowd.

GMPG initiator Almanzo Bonara apologized for the commotion that occurred at the event.

"The Golkar Party always educates its cadres to think intellectually and not anarchically. Moreover, this is on behalf of the AMPG," Amanzo said at the location, quoted by VOI.

For your information, the discussion event entitled Save the Golkar Party: Towards the Victory of the 2024 Legislative Election presents a number of Golkar politicians, such as Andi Sinulingga, Ridwan Hidjam, and Max Richard Krey. In addition, the discussion also presented political observers, namely Adi Prayitno and Pangi Syarwi Chaniago.

Airlangga Hartarto's Response

General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto opened his voice about the commotion at the event of the younger generation of Golkar.

In front of reporters, Airlangga admitted that he did not know if the discussion ended in chaos.

"Wow, I don't know yet," said Airlangga in the State Palace area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 26, 2023.

Airlangga said that he had just finished a meeting with President Joko Widodo at the Palace.

He also emphasized that his party's condition is currently still safe amid the Munaslub issue to overthrow him.

"It's safe to control," said Airlangga briefly.

This is information about the chronology of the commotion at the event of the younger generation of the Golkar party. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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