
The Jakarta Corruption Court Panel of Judges considers the 4G Base Transceiver Station (BTS) project run by BAKTI Kominfo to stall.

The assessment began when the Head of the Lastmile and Backhaul Division of BAKTI Kominfo Muhammad Feriandi Mirza, who was the witness, said that only 1,795 towers had functioned or on air from the 4,200 tower target.

"For December 31, 2021, which has been completed until air, there is a signal that it is 668," Mirza said during a trial at the Central Jakarta District Court (Jakpus), Tuesday, July 25.

Chief Judge Fahzal then questioned the extension or addendum regarding the project. Mirza also said that there was only one addendum, namely until March 31, 2022.

"Do you know whether there is an addendum or not?" asked Judge Fahzal.

"There has been one Your Majesty's addendum," Mirza replied.

"The end of the period is actually not the same time, Your Majesty, so there are some that are at the end of November 2021 and the end of December 2021," he continued.

"What month is the end?" asked Fahzal again.

"December 31, 2021," said Mirza.

"Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 184 of 2021 which in principle provides an opportunity to complete the work, because this year the completion period is actually extended until March 31, 2022," said Mirza.

Then, Judge Fahzal mentioned the number of 4G BTS towers completed and functioning as of March 31, 2022.

"On water it was 1,795," Mirza replied.

Hearing this statement, Judge Fahzal considered the 4G BTS project to be stalled. In fact, the project cost Rp10.8 trillion.

"This means that the project is not finished, it is stalled," said Judge Fahzal.

For information, in this case, the former Minister of Communication and Information Johnny Plate was charged with alleged corruption in the provision of BTS infrastructure and supporters of Kominfo for the 2020-2022 period which cost the state finances Rp8,032,084,133,795.51.

The indictment also states that a number of parties who benefited from the development project, namely Johnny G. Plate received money amounting to Rp17,848,308,000.00, Anang Achmad Latif as the President Director of the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) and the power of budget user (KPA) received Rp5 billion; Yohan Suryanto as the Ministry of Indonesia's Human Development (HUDEV UI) expert received Rp453,608,400.00.

Next, Irwan Hermawan as Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy received Rp119 billion, Windi Purnama as Director of PT Multimedia Berdikari Sejahtera received Rp500 million Muhammad Yusrizki as Director of PT Basar Utama Prima received Rp50 billion and 2.5 million US dollars, FiberHome Consortium PT Telkominfra PT Multi Trans Data (PT MTD) for Package 1 and 2 received Rp2,940,870,824,490.00, Consortium Lintaarta Huawei SEI for Package 3 received Rp1,584,914,955 and Consortium IBS and ZTE Package 4 and Package 5 received Rp3,504,518,715,600,00

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