
YOGYAKARTA Sultan's village in Garut, West Java is being discussed. In the village, many luxurious and magnificent houses were built.

The existence of the Sultan Village in Garut was revealed by a YouTuber named Teh Mayang. He uploaded a video showing a village with a luxurious and magnificent house, like the house of the sultans.

This Sultan Village is located in Pangauban Village, Jangkuran Village, Leles District, Garut Regency, West Java.

Teh Mayang said, the village is quite remote because it is on the slopes of the mountain. Even so, there are many buildings that have classic designs and look majestic.

Well, for VOI readers who are curious, we have accommodated various interesting facts about the sultan's village in Garut. Read it all the way out, yes!

Based on information conveyed by Teh Mayang, almost all residents in the village work as bag entrepreneurs. The bags produced in the village have even penetrated the export market.

"Here (the residents of Pangauban village) are successful entrepreneurs from bag convection. The bag is also really crazy. This has been exported abroad, apart from leaving the island," said Teh Mayang.

According to Teh Mayang, Pangauban Village is a village that is 'other than the others'. The reason is, in the village there are many magnificent houses that are neatly arranged, even though they are on the edge of a narrow alley.

Tea Mayang added, there are at least 30 units of luxury houses, mostly built 2 to 3 floors.

It didn't stop there, most of the houses in Pangauban village also have classic designs that look majestic. In addition, there are also cars parked inside the house.

Tea Mayang said that none of the residents of Kampung Sultan in Garut were lazing, all of them were active at work.

"Salut, none of the residents are leha-leha," said Teh Mayang.

Tea Mayang said that the lifestyle of the residents of Pangauban Village cannot be seen as a joke. Even Teh Mayang said that it was difficult to find people with lower middle-income needs.

"So here it's really hard to find a poor person because all his houses are in Masya Allah in the majestic and super luxury," he said.

Houses in the Sultan's village or Pangauban village are estimated to have a high price.

"The prices for these houses are observed to be very high in value, and of course expensive, up to a price of billions of rupiah," wrote YouTube channel owner Note Media in the video description column, quoted by VOI.

Kampung Pangauban deserves to be referred to as Kampung Miliarder because of the many luxurious and magnificent houses that stand there.

That's the information about the Sultan Village in Garut. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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