
YOGYAKARTA Being a subsidized house developer can be one way to make a profit. However, to do so, there are many things that must be considered. How to become a subsidized housing developer certainly has its own rules.

The rules for becoming a subsidy developer must be obeyed so that there are no legal problems, so that potential house buyers can gain trust in you.

It must be noted that the subsidized housing developer is a property developer whose job is to design housing development subsidized by the government. Subsidized housing developers will sell special houses for people who have low income or MBR at affordable prices.

To become a developer of subsidized housing, there are several things that need to be fulfilled, namely as follows.

Before deciding to become a subsidized housing developer, first know the legal basis related to subsidized housing business licenses, namely Government Regulation (PP) Number 64 of 2016. The regulation states that the area of land used for subsidized housing is at least 0.5 hectares and a maximum of 5 hectares.

Not only the area of land that must be considered, the construction site must also be located in a place that is intended for the construction of landed houses.

Sibsidi housing developers must be legal. This means that developers must apply for a legal entity business license. The developer's licensing requirements are as follows.

Developers are also required to compile a proposal for the construction of subsidized housing submitted to the Regional Government (Perda) through One Stop Integrated Services (PTSP). This process is estimated to require a permit of approximately 1 to 2 months, depending on the rules applied in each region.

In the process, the Regional Government will examine documents and monitor field preparations. If all have met the requirements, the local government will issue a permit.

Although all permits have been successfully issued, the developer will not necessarily reap success. Follow some tips to develop the following subsidized houses so that businesses can run more easily.

This requirement cannot be contested. The developer's license must be complete without any problems. In addition, the developer must also look for official licensed land. Lands also determine the smooth running of development projects.

Developers must also prepare funding for the construction of subsidized houses. Although not the only important thing, funding must be well prepared.

Developers must also maintain good relations with banks. Usually, banks will only provide credit to new developers who are trusted or who previously had a good reputation.

That's information about how to develop subsidized housing. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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