
The Criminal Investigation Unit continues to investigate allegations of Money Laundering (TPPU) involving the head of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Panji Gumilang. The plan is that the examination of witnesses will begin next week.

"Next week, the confirmation will be carried out with witnesses," said Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan when confirmed, Thursday, July 20.

However, regarding the name of the witness who will be examined later, Whisnu has not been able to convey it. The reason is that investigators are still coordinating with each other regarding this matter.

"Later, it will still be coordinated," he said.

Meanwhile, the investigation steps currently being carried out are still around the deepening of Panji Gumilang's transactions which are considered odd. This investigation also involved the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).

"This week is deepening related to financial transactions and coordinating with the PPATK team," said Whisnu.

The allegation of Panji Gumilang being involved in money laundering was first revealed by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. In fact, the allegation has been reported to the police.

The allegation emerged because it was found that Panji Gumilang had hundreds of accounts related to Al Zaytun.

"We have submitted a new report to the National Police, namely about the crime of money laundering. We have frozen 145 accounts of 367 accounts that are suspected to have links to Pondok, or Al Zaytun activities, Panji Gumilang activities," said Mahfud MD.

Mahfud also conveyed several crimes allegedly committed by Panji Gumilang, including embezzlement of funds, fraud, violations of the rules for managing foundation funds, and misuse of BOS funds (school operational assistance).

"It's all put in the context of money laundering. Money laundering with embezzlement, money laundering with fraud, laundering because of the Foundation Law, laundering because of the use of BOS funds, and so on. We have reported it to Bareskrim (Polri)," said Mahfud.

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