
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) of the Republic of Indonesia Saiful Rahmat Dasuki said the moment of the Hijri New Year has a deep meaning and inspires Indonesian Muslims in the nation and state. "The Hijri New Year has a deep and inspiring meaning for Muslims in Indonesia in the nation and state," he said at the Gebyar Hijriah event of the Islamic New Year 1445 H quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday 19 July. Deputy Minister of Religion Saiful said that in the momentum of the Hijri New Year, there was a strong spirit to maintain good relations between believers and strengthen social ties in the midst of a very diverse Indonesian community.

Through this commemoration, he said, Muslims in Indonesia can continue to strengthen a sense of unity, loyalty, and pride in the legacy of Islamic history in the country. "This celebration can connect people with the history and identity of Islam in Indonesia," he said. At this moment, he continued, all Muslims can reflect on what was past, strengthen their commitment to religious beliefs, and take the opportunity to improve themselves in the coming year. According to him, Indonesia is like a miniature of Medina, a country endowed with harmony and diversity, as well as Islamic values that teach diversity, tolerance, justice, affection, and maintain a sense of interplay.

"The laying of the Islamic foundation in Medina is also based on a sense of religious tolerance," he said. He hopes that all Muslims in Indonesia can take lessons and values from this Hijri New Year event.

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