
YOGYAKARTA President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a meeting with NasDem General Chair Surya Paloh on Monday, July 17, afternoon. This then provoked the question, what was the content of the 1 hour meeting of Jokowi Surya Paloh?

As is known, the meeting between the Head of NasDem Surya Paloh and President Jokowi lasted approximately an hour at the State Palace, Central Jakarta. The meeting was held shortly after the President inaugurated the new Minister of Communication and Information replacing politician Johnny G Plate from the NasDem party.

Secretary General of NasDem Hermawi Taslim also confirmed the meeting. Unfortunately, he did not explain in detail the contents of the meeting between the President and Surya Paloh.

"It's true (Paloh met Jokowi)," explained Hermawi Taslim to reporters.

However, Hermawi said that during the meeting there was no dialogue with politics, only friendship.

Previously, NasDem Party politician Saan Mustopa had hoped that there would be a meeting between Ketum Surya Paloh and President Jokowi.

"We hope that Pak Surya's communication with Pak Jokowi can be realized quickly," said Saan Mustopa while in the Parliament complex, Senayan, Tuesday, May 16.

The statement was made by a politician who is also the Chair of the West Java NasDem DPW in response to journalists' questions about the NasDem political relationship and the President. He also said that Surya Paloh and Jokowi provided support for each other for approximately 10 years. In fact, he claimed that NasDem was the first party to support Jokowi's two leaderships.

The relationship between Surya Paloh and President Jokowi is rumored to be strained. In fact, Surya Paloh confirmed that his relationship with the President was not doing well. The statement was made after he was not invited by President Jokowi at a meeting of the general chairmen at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on May 2, 2023.

In addition, the President also recently appointed Budi Arie Setiadi to become Minister of Communication and Information on Monday, July 17, morning. Arie Setiadi replaces Johnny G Plate, the former Secretary General of NasDem who stumbled upon the alleged corruption case of the BTS project. With the replacement of Johnny G Plate from the ministerial chair, currently there are only two NasDem politicians who are included in the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin cabinet, namely Siti Nurbaya who serves as Minister of Environment and Forestry and Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL who serve as Minister of Agriculture.

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