
JAKARTA - Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Dr. (HC) dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K), said that houses built with roofs using asbestos are uninhabitable because their residents are susceptible to tuberculosis. In fact, houses that are roofed with zinc are healthier.

This was emphasized by the Head of BKKBN when receiving an audience with the Chairman of Commission I of the Tegal City DPRD, Enny Yuningsih SH MM, accompanied by the Head of the Population and Family Control Office Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of Tegal City (DPPKBP2PA), at the Head Office of BKKBN, Jakarta, Monday 17 July.

Dr. Hasto said that many uninhabitable houses are located in East Tegal, Tegal City (Central Java), recorded at 36.58 percent. This condition requires serious attention because the occupants are easily infected with tuberculosis. The roof of the zinc, called dr. Hasto, is healthier.

Uninhabitable houses are also marked if the window of the house is not more than 10 percent of the area of the house building. "The floor of the house is not dammed, nor does it meet the requirements for a decent house to live in," said dr. Hasto.


Hasto also revealed data that more than 25.51 percent of the families in East Tegal have more than three children. Then, too old but pregnant were recorded at 25.7 percent of the number of Fertile Age Couples (PUS) in the district. "So, there is still a need for more campaigns for the family planning," said dr. Hasto.

Meanwhile, the Head of the DPPKBP2PA, Mohamad Afin, SIP, M.Si said, the reduction in stunting prevalence in East Tegal Regency was quite good. In 2022, it was recorded at 16.8 percent, and fell to 10 percent in 2023.

"Seeing the downward trend, in 2024, God willing, we can achieve the national target of 14 percent," said Afin.

Responding to this, dr. Hasto Wardoyo, said, "I entrust it to certain areas whose drinking water sources are still not good, such as in Margadana, and East Tegal, to be increased because this problem is one of the factors causing stunting in children," explained dr. Hasto.

According to dr. Hasto, at least 54 families in East Tegal have not enjoyed water suitable for consumption. "So, this problem must be resolved because it causes diarrhea that can trigger stunting in children. Including inadequate latrines can also cause stunting," said dr. Hasto Wardoyo.

The West Tegal area called Hasto also has the same problem. "We know this data from the report of the Family Assistance Team (TPK)," said dr. Hasto.

Dr. Hasto Wardoyo also said that the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing was involved in handling stunting cases through a communal latrine development program.

Meanwhile, Enny Yuningsih, Chairman of Commission III of the Tegal City DPRD, explained that the audience held by his party was to obtain clarity on the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), especially related to the accelerated stunting reduction program.

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